Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Latest Update

Yes, I am alive...  excuse me for not updating this blog in while. I have been putting my dancing skills on hold. I am working on a greater project in Ecuador, my home town. If you would like to follow our project Collective Wave, please visit our blog http://collectivewave.blogspot.com/

Collective Wave.- To build a resilient, self-sufficient and sustainable city with nature. The main objective is establish a healthy environment for future generations to come.

For dance lessons and event production, you can still contact me. I might be available when you do. Big hug!

NOTE: I might not be updating this blog in a while. You can also follow my other sites and community sites:

La Muerte         -      http://srsaenz.blogspot.com/

Collective Wave -  http://collectivewave.blogspot.com/

Audiopharmacy -   http://www.audiopharmacy.com/